Thursday, December 27, 2012

Alkaline Foods Create a Healthier, Stronger You

For a Healthier Stronger You
Creating a Healthier Stronger You

Alkaline foods create a healthier, stronger you because the pH level of our body has an important role in how our body functions. An imbalance can create an environment where many different health issues flourish, leaving the body vulnerable to sickness, disease and premature aging. Maintaining the correct alkaline pH in the body is one of the best ways to avoid these problems.

It’s important to realize that a food’s ability to create an acidic or alkaline condition in the body doesn’t necessarily have any connection with the pH of the food itself. It’s the effect that it has on the body and the residue or “ash” that’s left behind after it’s eaten and digested that matters.

 An alkaline diet refers to a diet plan which leaves an overall alkaline residue within the body. It is not necessarily a raw diet but most foods are more alkaline and more alive in their raw form. It’s not generally necessary to give up all acidic foods, but the more alkaline foods you consume, the better your pH balance will be. A healthy goal is to eat about 80% alkaline forming foods. Here is a great overview of some important foods for maintaining a healthy alkaline level within your body.

1 – Herbal Teas, Green Tea, and Lemon Water

When choosing a beverage, go with green tea, herbal teas or lemon-infused water. Fig Juice is also an alkalizing and nutrient rich drink. Minimize or better yet eliminate soda, beer, tea and coffee, as these will have an acidifying effect in your body.

2 – Goat’s Milk and Cheese

Goat’s milk and cheese are better choices than dairy products made from cow’s milk. Cow’s milk produces an acidic reaction while goat’s milk produces an alkaline reaction like Mother’s milk. The fat globules in goat’s milk are 1/5 the size of those in cows milk, the curd in goat’s milk is smaller and lighter and more easily digested and goat’s milk is already naturally homogenized.

3 – Olive, Flax Seed and Sunflower Oil

Olive oil is considered the best for an alkaline diet. However, flax seed oil and sunflower oil are also good choices and all of these are much healthier than any of the hydrogenated or hydrolyzed vegetable and corn oils which are quite acidic.

4 – Wild Rice, Quinoa and Millet

Instead of choosing white flour and commercially produced pastries, stick to grains such as wild rice, quinoa and millet. Bleached rice and flour cause an acid overload and encourage fermentation since they are more difficult to digest.

5 – Almonds and Chestnuts

Almonds and chestnuts are both good choices for an alkaline diet. However, avoid peanuts, walnuts and pecans, as they are among the most acidic of the nuts. Almonds have a high calcium and magnesium content, and are also good for your memory. Almonds have high fiber content as well. Chestnuts are the most alkaline forming nut, have a high vitamin C content as well as some other important vitamins and minerals. Cashews, Macadamias, and a few other nuts are listed by some experts as “slightly alkaline forming” but not all experts agree on that.

6 – Raw Spinach, Kale and Lettuce

Salads made with leafy greens are always a healthy diet choice. Eating spinach raw is the best choice, because although it is one of the most alkaline foods in its raw state, it is actually mildly acidic when cooked. Dark leafy vegetable are well known as a healthy, alkalizing food and are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Swiss Chard… Collard Greens… This list could go on and on.

7 – Lima Beans, Lentils and White Beans

When choosing beans and legumes, lima beans, lentils and white beans are the best choices. Other varieties such as navy, pinto and kidney beans are more acidic. Avoid Soybeans. Although they are slightly alkaline forming, there are actually a myriad of health risks associated with modern soy products, too many to list them all here.

8 – Sweet Potatoes and Squash and Zucchini

Sweet potatoes are the best choice. The alkalizing properties of the sweet potato actually draw out the excess acid in your body, and the dietary fiber helps your body naturally eliminate toxins. White potatoes are an acidic food. Squash and zucchini are good substitutes for white potatoes, since they are also alkaline forming.

9 – Asparagus, Broccoli and Onions

Most vegetables are good choices for an alkaline diet, but asparagus, broccoli and onions are especially good choices. Asparagus is high in glutathione, an important antioxidant. Broccoli contains high amounts of vitamin C, calcium and selenium. Onions are an excellent antioxidant, and they contain anti-allergy, antiviral and antihistamine properties.   Onions also help to detoxify the body. Beets and okra are also good high alkaline vegetables.

10 – Lemons, Limes, Orange and Grapefruit

Citrus fruits are a good example of foods that are acidic in their natural state, but which have an alkaline-producing effect within the body. You might expect that citrus fruits are "too acidic"; however, they are actually alkalizing because the minerals or “ash” they leave behind after digestion help remove hydrogen ions, decreasing the overall acidity of the body.

11 – Watermelon, Mangoes and Papaya

Many fruits have an alkaline effect, but watermelon, mangoes and papaya are among the best. Watermelon is extremely hydrating as it is 92% water. Papaya is another example of a fruit that although it is slightly acidic in nature is highly alkalizing in the body. Mangoes are excellent sources of B vitamins and vitamins A and C. Grapes, blueberries and apples are also excellent choices. However, cranberries, blackberries and prunes are among the most acidic fruits.

12 – Honey, Stevia, Maple Sugar and Raw Sugar

Honey, Stevia, maple sugar and raw sugar are good choices for sweeteners. Honey is nature's energy booster, it is a great immunity system builder and honey is a natural remedy for many ailments. Avoid artificial sweeteners such as NutraSweet, Equal, and Sweet ‘N Low at all cost. They are extremely unhealthy and are quite acidic.

Shopping Cart Full of Healthy Choices
Learning to Make Healthy Choices
I think it is important to stress that when you take steps to improve your health with a raw or alkaline diet, care should be taken to always buy good quality, organic foods that have not been sprayed with pesticides, treated with chemicals or genetically modified in any way.  Organically grown foods taste better, have a higher nutrient content and are generally better for you than conventionally grown foods.

You will realize the benefits of an alkaline diet as you begin to substitute these healthy food choices for the foods you now eat in a conventional diet. You will begin to realize that alkaline foods are creating a healthier, stronger you. Isn’t that what it’s all about after all?

You can sign up for a great FREE 6-part e-course entitled  'Raw Food 101' to learn about a real-world, common sense approach to diet and better health.

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