Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Raw Food Diet or the Alkaline Diet

For most people whether you are talking about a raw food diet or an alkaline diet, they see it as basically the same thing with similar results, namely a much improved food intake from the all too common, traditional western diet. There is, however, at least one key difference between the two and that difference lies in your priorities and your perspective on the changes you are making in your diet and lifestyle, again that's assuming that you are coming from a typical western diet.

From a purist point of view, a true alkaline diet is 80% raw but raw diets are not necessarily alkaline. However, in practice, the raw foodist often winds up with the same goal of 80% raw food and, for both; it is the transition from a traditional diet that is the key to continued success and lifestyle transformation.


A raw food diet is, typically, built on one basic premise; cooking food destroys the enzymes, leaches minerals, damages vitamins, and weakens antioxidants. All of which are true. To put it another way, raw food is alive and cooked food is dead.

Juicing is a big part of the Alkaline or the Raw Diets
Juicing or Blending is a Healthy Part
An alkaline diet (aka the acid/ alkaline diet or the pH diet) is built on one basic premise as well, certain foods contribute to acidification of your body, and some help to alkalize your body. It just so happens that most foods are more alkaline forming when they're in their raw state.

Alkaline diets are mostly raw, but raw diets aren't necessarily alkalizing, although for most people, this is splitting hairs. What we are really looking for here is a steadily increasing improvement in our former eating habits leading to better health and vitality but let’s look at this a little further.

For example, raw foodists will allow themselves to eat a certain amount of raw fish (sushi), raw dairy (cheese), and raw meat (tartare) - all of which can be acidifying. You'll also see a lot of "raw treats" in raw food cookbooks (like cookies, ice cream, etc)...which are also acidifying. While raw food diets are certainly much healthier than our conventional cooked diets and processed foods, eating uncooked food just because it’s raw isn't going to necessarily help you get your pH up in and of itself. It is the alkaline pH that creates an environment that is hostile to sickness and disease and allows your body to function optimally. An alkaline diet takes this into account and makes this the priority.

If your body is acidic, then you need to get more alkalizing foods into your diet and the way to begin to do that is to add more fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables to your diet. Think of a pyramid with green leafy vegetables at the wide bottom, colored foods like carrots, fruit and peppers, etc… in the middle and beans and nuts at the very top.
Raw and Alkaline Diets Are Naturally Slimming
The Raw or Alkaline Diets 
Are Naturally Slimming

As you can see, foods are generally more alkalizing when they are in their raw form, but you also have to be eating the right kinds if you want to get your body back into it’s optimal pH balanced, healthier state and that is our ultimate goal, namely a stronger, healthier you. For more information on a raw, more alkaline diet, just follow this  link. Here’s to a stronger, healthier you.

To check out a great, FREE 6-part e-course and get started improving your health and energy, click here.

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